Managed WordPress WooCommerce Web Hosting Perfect for WooCommerce US


Last updated on June 10, 2024 9:15 am

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  • Linux
  • Windows
  • WordPress
  • Domains
  • Reseller Hosting
  • VPS
  • CDN
  • Graphic / Website Design
  • SEO

UK and USA Servers
Free & Unlimited Migrations
Free & Unlimited CDN

WordPress Web Hosting

Unlock the power of lightning-fast Managed WordPress hosting, meticulously fine-tuned to catapult your websites into warp-speed loading times—up to a mind-blowing 48 times faster! Our premium package boasts an impressive array of must-have features, including WordPress staging for hassle-free testing, seamless automatic updates, vigilant plugin and theme monitoring, ironclad brute force login protection, safeguarding your site’s integrity with timeline backups, expert-level code optimization, and the pièce de résistance: our proprietary StackCache speed plugin, exclusively designed to supercharge your website’s performance.

*We aim to process and set up all orders between 10 AM and 11 PM, Monday – Friday within 1-3 hours.

WordPress Web Hosting

premium PLUS
MySQL Databases1
Unique Websites1
Sub Domains1
Email AccountsUNLIMITED

WordPress Staging in one click

A WordPress staging site is a clone of your live site, created independently on StackCP staging servers. Staging allows you to test changes – whether that’s WordPress themes, plugins, code snippets – or any other kind of change. It’s a sandbox where you can afford to experiment: so have fun!

WordPress Checksum Report

Worried that you might have been infected with malware? Or want to check that a malware fix has worked? This scan checks if your core files match what exists in the official WordPress core repository.

User Management

Got a collaborator or guest blogger to add? Or need to audit which staff have access? User Management lets you add WordPress roles, custom roles and set permissions.

Theme Management

Having unused WordPress themes can affect site performance. Quickly see what themes you have installed, update them in bulk and activate or deactivate them.

Plugin Management

Just like themes, too many plugins can contribute to slowdown. Not only that, but outdated, unsupported plugins can be a security risk.

WordPress Settings: Site IDs and URLs

Change the identity of your site, fast and easily from our responsive control panel. Here you can check the Site Title, Site Tagline and basic URL settings, and change them if necessary.

All packages comes with:
  • Free Wildcard SSL Certificates
  • 70+ One Click Installs Apps
  • Malware Scanning
  • Website Builder
  • CDN
  • 1 Tbps+ DDoS Protection

About Us
Free Migration

No downtime
Your websites will stay up and accessible throughout the whole process, with no disruption to your services.

Free unlimited migrations
We don’t place any limits on how many sites you can transfer to us, or charge you any fees.

No waiting
It’s quick and easy – no need to contact our support team or book an appointment. You can start the hosting migration at your convenience.

Built for bulk
You can move all your websites at once, one-by-one, or in batches. Perfect for anyone with lots of sites, like Resellers.

Proven tech
Every single day, hundreds of websites are transferred to us using the Migration Centre, all without any issues.

Transfer from any host
You can switch from all major providers who use cPanel, Plesk or DirectAdmin. You can also migrate your site from UK providers Fasthosts and Heart Internet.

Website files
It will transfer all your website content and page structure. No need to download/upload it yourself.

Most websites rely on databases, so we transfer all the tables, columns and rows exactly. You don’t have to trouble yourself with SQL commands!

We use an IMAP sync to move all of your email to our servers. There is no downtime, so you can continue working on your email seamlessly.

About Us

At CP Cloud Hosting, we are more than just a hosting provider; we are your trusted partner in the digital world. With a passion for technology and a commitment to excellence, we have been empowering businesses of all sizes to thrive in the online landscape since our inception.

Our mission is simple yet powerful: to provide cutting-edge cloud hosting solutions that enable businesses to scale, innovate, and succeed in today’s fast-paced digital environment. We believe that every organization, regardless of its size or industry, should have access to reliable, secure, and high-performance hosting services.

Why Choose CP Cloud Hosting? Reliability: We understand the importance of uptime for your business. Our state-of-the-art data centers and redundant infrastructure ensure 99.9% uptime, so you can focus on what matters most.

Security: Your data’s safety is our top priority. We employ industry-leading security measures and encryption protocols to protect your valuable information.

Scalability: Whether you’re a startup or an enterprise, our hosting solutions can grow with you. We offer flexible plans and resources that can be easily adjusted to match your evolving needs.

Expert Support: Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist you. Whether you have a technical issue or need advice, we’re here to help.

Innovation: We stay at the forefront of technology trends. Our commitment to innovation means you’ll always have access to the latest features and enhancements.

Affordability: We believe that top-quality hosting should be accessible to all. Our competitive pricing ensures you get the best value for your investment.

Our Team – Behind CP Cloud Hosting is a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about what they do. From our experienced engineers to our friendly customer support staff, we work together to provide you with a seamless hosting experience.

Join Us on Your Digital Journey – Whether you’re launching a new website, migrating an existing one, or exploring cloud solutions, CP Cloud Hosting is here to guide you every step of the way. We take pride in being a trusted partner for businesses worldwide, and we look forward to helping you achieve your online goals.

Thank you for considering CP Cloud Hosting as your hosting provider. We’re excited to be part of your digital success story.


At CP Cloud Hosting, our commitment to your success goes beyond just providing exceptional hosting services. We understand that technical challenges can arise, questions may surface, and you might need assistance along the way. That’s why we’ve built a robust support system to ensure you have access to the help and resources you need whenever you need them.

Our Dedicated Support Team – Our team of experienced and knowledgeable support professionals is available 24/7 to assist you. Whether you’re facing technical issues, need guidance on using our services, or simply have questions, our friendly experts are here to provide prompt and effective solutions.

How to Reach Us – We offer multiple channels of communication to make it easy for you to get in touch with our support team:

Live Chat: For immediate assistance, our live chat feature allows you to chat with a support representative in real-time. Look for the chat icon in the lower-right corner of your screen.

Ticket System: You can submit a support ticket through our online portal. This allows you to provide details about your issue or request, and our team will respond as quickly as possible.

Web Hosting FAQs

Can I upgrade my web hosting at any time?

Yes, upgrading or downgrading is quick and easy and can be done any time from within our control panel, All your website files can be downloaded for easy migration or backups.

How are websites and emails migrated?

Use our free Migration Centre to transfer all website files, databases and email from any provider using cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, Heart Internet and Fasthosts. Simply enter the credentials of your provider and choose which packages you’d like to migrate. The migration will complete automatically.

If you’d prefer, we can help migrate all your websites instead. Once you’ve signed-up, give our Support Team the details of your current web hosting and we’ll get to work, quickly migrating your websites and emails from your previous host. All migrations are free, however many sites you have.

Where are your data centres?

We have multiple data centres in the UK and the USA. You can choose between having your website(s) hosted in the UK or USA when you set up your hosting. We also have our free CDN, which will store copies of your public site content at data centres around the world. So your website will load quickly – for everyone!

If you choose Managed Cloud Hosting with Amazon and Google, you’ll have a choice of numerous international locations for your origin data centre.

Additional information

Seller Notes

“Managed WordPress Hosting with free Genuine Elementor Pro Website Builder”

StackCP Website Builder


Hosting Server Location


Free SSL


CMS App Installer

70+ One Click Apps

WordPress Staging

Included with WordPress Package

Free Global CDN


MYSQL Database

20 to Unlimited

WP Management Tools

Included with WordPress Package



SSD Space

10GB to Unlimited

1 TB DDOS Protection



WordPress Hosting



Malware Scanner


Free DIVI Website Builder


Elementor Pro Website Builder


CountryRegion of Manufacture

United State

Websites You Can Host

1 Domain